Assalamualaikum! How's everyone? I'm fine alhamdulillah. So, I had to go through another medical checkup, PART 2. Kalau tak, tak boleh buat final exam. For the first med checkup, they tested our eye sight and our heartbeat but for part 2, kami kena ambik darah la pulak. Habis semua takut haha, probably because we knew that the doctors ganas-ganas belaka and yes, being a member of the last group doesn't help much either. You get to see the end results of other people who had gone through it first. And I say, doesn't look good. Ada yang darah memancut, pengsan and had to repeat a couple of times (7 times!) etc. But yeah mostly tangan lebam-lebam. At some point, I believe that over here, asalkan patient tu tak mati dah kira okay haha! But I'm not trying to generalize ALL of the doctors la. NO. So, Group C's medical checkup was on the last day which was last Tuesday. The best part of all for me would probably be the bus trip. We went to the hospital by bus. Rasa macam masa dekat sekolah pergi school trip. AWESOME. The bus was awesome, atap boleh bukak, equipped with toilet. Nice. So on the way to the hospital, we passed by some kind of prison. One word, FREAKY. Seriously, looks like some kind of haunted place in horror games. Got a bit excited but yeah, still takut. The prison penuh dengan polis. (Obviously) At first, I thought that the prison was the hospital. Because there was this sign that said mustashfa(hospital). Maybe due to my limited arabic skills, I misinterpreted the sign. LUCKY! Yeah, the sign probably said "HOSPITAL right up ahead!"
Not so fast. The hospital was...well a bit better than the prison, I mean a slight better. There were tanks, yes tanks with soldiers in them at the entrance which I found awesome hehe. The bus stopped at the entrance and we had to walk through the "garden" to reach to the building. Man, my first comment about the hospital, "I WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER BE ADMITTED HERE." I mean, I know, never compare the facilities over here with Malaysia's but I mean, hospital kerajaan kat Malaysia memang waaaay better. Plus, the hospital kinda smells. We had to line up and yes, despite feeling nervous, I ran to get to the front line, well because I want it to end fast. There were two doctors, one seems nice and the other was a "
little" ganas. Lucky me, I got the ganas one. Hahahahahaaha...=___=
Muka doctor tu agak bengis at first but then she smiled at me. Probably because I said "BISMILLAHIRAHMANIRAHIM" really loudly. Nice move there, cut the tension. Doktor tu memang tak letak alkohol ke apa, terus cucuk! Before I know it, I'M DONE! Oh yeah baby, got out of the room, plastered, all smiles. Signed my name and walked next to the line of people who had yet need to take the test. SUCCESS.
Yes, it feels a little numb but I'm just glad that it's over. Due to the cold weather, my friends had the urge to use the toilet so we went to search for it. Then, this lady showed us the way. She brought us to one of the empty rooms. Umm..I stand my ground when I say, I will never be admitted here. The room was really depressing, small, with two beds, a small coffee table, two chairs, nothing else and the windows...hmmm. Somehow reminds me of a mental hospital. Oh no, better, one of those really creepy hospital that you find in those really scary horror movies. Yeah, that one. I can't imagine myself staying in that room. I'll CRY! No joke. One of my friends refuse to use the toilet (I don't blame her). She rather hold it in and use the toilet at Mwassah. A LOT LOT LOT BETTER, the toilet. After that we went back downstairs to gather with the others. The line was still there so all we had to do was wait. We went to wait in the "garden" and spent our time watching birds and cats playing, yeah because we can. When everything's finished, went back to the bus ah but wait before that, bought oranges :) The bus took us back to Mwassah. While waiting for our class to begin, we ate the oranges (like a boss) at Mwassah. Then, class resumed as usual.
In the end, it's a good day. New experience. DOUBLE SUCCESS. Plus, tempat kena ambil darah lebam oh yeah baby. Oh yeah, yesterday I asked Fatihah about how her injected spot was doing, she didn't know how it looked like,(she refused to see it, same case as me at first but then curiosity made me look) , after I showed mine, she wanted to check hers. BEST REACTION EVER. Both of us gasped, shocked, seeing the spot, purple blue. Then again, we laughed it off.
P/S: Sorry no pictures of the hospital. Forgot to bring my camera ugggghhhh.....Ciao people! Have a nice day!