Assalamualaikum. Hey how are you? :D
A grand event took place last night, the first ever first year batch dinner, Spectra de Solace! So to sum up, Spectra means colour and Solace means unique? That's what they said hehe >__> I had a great time hanging out with my gorgeous friends and and and my stomach was full (happy). Being the cheap person that we are, my lovely housemates and I brought tupperwares and plastics to umm...tapau some food la hahaha. Caught by the waiter but he got nothing against me yo! Hehe. Ah, what else, oh yeah I got a makeover. My lovely housemates and the main stylist Umi made me over from top to bottom. Well, I guess why not, it was a lot of fun <3
And... let the pics roll~
Fatihah, I see what u did there
My lovely FAG (Forever Alone Gang) mates
Our carriage, yeah I know, pretty exciting. Considering that everyone got a lil sweaty from waiting and there's no aircond haha, but still it was a pleasant ride!
In front of Portofino, but never in haha
Yang and Umi
Thira and Fatihah
Where I'm at! (Hip hop swag) :P
Lost mine before it even started, "where art thou my seat number?" But yeah, our seats were kinda lame, we're not even THIS close on winning the lucky draw.
Yang and Adlin
Lovely gal right there!
Welcome, yes I am the undercover Ahmaza leader.
Rock on Umi and Hawa!
So this was part of the performance, dikir barat!
Le waiter

Lights under the table
Even more performance, his fingers were running! Super fast! And I see what u did there pak cik Arab at the back, "Let's get this party started!!"
Umi ikan buntal and me thinking of how to cook her. Don't worry, Umi's not poisonous. O___O Or is she?
The guys section
The stairs of light
Queen of the NIGHT!! :D
King and Queen of the night, both won Best Dress!
And the King apparently won for the Happy-Go-Lucky category too, no wonder! Funny guy :D
Umi looking posh hehe
Derpin' with Sofia (won the Celebrity look-alike category - Vanessa Hudgens!)
Hannah and I <3
Hana and I <3
Umi and Yaya
Lovely friends!
Some of Section 7 girls + other sections!!
7 YO cute!
Where it all happened, Etoile ballroom. Not E-toilet ok kakak, but that'll be awesome.
To end the night, the FAGs took a memorial picture in the bus.
So, the event finished rather late, ok lambat la. Finished 12.30 am, got home at approximately 1.20 am. MAN WE WERE POOPED!
All in all, it was a lot fun. Another experience to update! But as for now, I'll revert back to my self, Comfy clothes and PJs, I'M BAAAAAACK hahahaha. Where's mah games at? Oh yeah in Malaysia. Poopsicles! :(
Ciao and have a nice day! <3