Monday, 31 December 2012


Assalamualaikum. It's going to be 2013 soon. Just a short update. How Egyptians celebrate the new year? They throw used fragile furnitures and stuff out of their windows.    Watch your head! (Nmpknya berkaca la jalan esok nak pegi kelas =__=;) Alhamdulillah for another year. May Allah bless us all. Ciao~ ★♥★♥

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Matrouh and Siwa trip 2012

Assalamualaikum! Hey, how's everyone? 

I know that this was long overdue but yeah I'd like to talk about my trip to Matrouh and Siwa!

Endless sea of sand, camels and BLAZING fiery market. LEMME EXPLAIN.

It was quite a long journey from Alex to these places (I took the bus). My advice for you, relieve your bladder at every possible STOP because hey, you will find yourself in the middle of nowhere a.k.a the desert. Thus, endless sea of sand. Only camels and solar panels.

After getting hypnotized by the sand...o___o endless'll arrive in SIWA but before that.. FLASHBACK <<

On the first day, we arrived in Matrouh because well, my friends and I and the whole tour group were staying at this one motel. BLUE AND WHITE. I guess that's the theme of the town. The people are way nicer and more polite (I should add a "than" to compare but I won't hehe. Their language is somehow similar yet different than the one that I'm learning. *COUGH2 bila nak pandai cakap arab ni?? It was nice. The sea's MAGNIFICENT! There are some areas that makes it seems like a dead town but that's what I needed to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. Phewh! Oh yeah, one more thing happened there. The morning after we went to the Matrouh market, well, the place was blazing! The market got caught in a fire. I MAY be the last person from the tour group to get out from that place BUT I HAVE NOTHING to do WHATSOEVER with the fire. Not me!!! But I did managed to save a bag from the fire. (sebab tu keluar paling last =__=;)

Siwa was a lot of fun. Considering that it's your first time and it's your first time seeing the places there. We even went to Cleopatra's bathing place. So awesome.

Disebabkan oleh kemalasan untuk cerita,  "IT'S PICTURE TIME!"


Ageba Beach

Matrouh market for the last time

Camels + desert

Local crafts

Jabal Mauta / Mountain of the Dead

Proud man showing his works (I think it's his work)

Shop like a tourist! (I know I didn't *sigh)

Chilling at Cleopatra's bathing place (I forgot the official name XD)

Local tea. No sugar. Tastes like bubblegum. 10 LE. Me? Someone offered me. Thus, free! hehe

The people wear local clothing.

Aman Siwa - Mineral water from Siwa waters

more sea time

(Tangki air) I swear this thing looks like something that came out from Ghibli)

The bag that I saved. mngaahaha


Ciao! Later~

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

19 . Novemberians

Assalamualaikum. Hey everyone! How are you doing? Well, sadly today's post is not going to be something related to Egypt. It's more of a personal thing. PERSONAAAL??

Guess what? I safely turned 19 last week on 29th of November (eheh sorry for the late update). And *cough2, Fatihah also turned 19 this month. Yup, she's 20 days older than me. I'm the maknae of the house. Get over it. HAHAHAHA..umm ok.

So, a lot has happened, the transition from 18 to 19, a little physically? but more emotionally and mentally that is. Of course, my life here is not all sunshine and candies, there ought to be bad things that I have to go through but yeah I'm over it! Yes, to those who know and understand me all too well, I hate life dramas, as in fights and all those stuff. So, IMMA BE DIRECT WIF U IF I THINK YE GOTS A PROBLEM WIF ME EH. Hehe

Being 19, I'd wish for myself to become a more honest, outspoken person. I'd like to make my own decisions without anyone making them for me, except for my parents of course. Yeah, since I have amazing, incredible parents, they've always taught me to make my own decision. They're there to help me make the RIGHT decisions. HOOH!

I'm not going to hide the fact that I'm kind of a naive person and I trust people too easily but that's something I'll try to balance out. I'd like to be more independent, and... proactive. Yeah, that's the word.  I will not tolerate people who wants to pijak my kepala. Even though, I do tend to feel tired nowadays, I'M NOT GOING TO FALL FOR IT. Ganbatte!

Being 19, of course, I'm more than thankful to Allah. Alhamdulillah. I'm thankful for the loving people around me :D

Mentally and emotionally...well, I believe there's a slight change. Have I matured into a proper, prim, super sweet kind lady? Not really. I believe the term "mature" differs for everyone. Well, "mature" for me defines more on the way we think. Fighting = immature, talking behind someone's back = immature. And trust me, some things have made me change the way I think. oohhshyeaah.

Someone actually told me that I haven't change since the first time she met me. That's good heh. I don't mind changing for the better, but I DO NOT appreciate it when people ask me to change into someone I'm not. So, please don't. ^__^

A shout out to my bestie, Fatihah who's always been there for me all these time. Love you lots buddeh. Happy birthday to you too. Man, we're 19!!! Next year, we'll be 20 >__< !! We'll celebrate our 10 year anniversary next year eh, insyaAllah.

Lastly, a shout out to my dear parents who are also Novemberians! I have the same birth date as my dad, yes be jelly yo haha! And my mom, 15th of November! Happy birthday Abah and Mama. I love you! May our family be together till jannah. :D

P/S: This CNS module is NO JOKE. I'm bleeding from reading. Pray for us. Exams are coming up! >____< NEWWWOOOH! To add everything up, I seem to have caught a cold. Winter's here.
