Saturday 31 December 2011

Hello 2012!

                                                             FORM 5 CLASS TRIP

                                                       FORM 5 one of our many parties

                                                    FORM 5 FORMAL NERD class picture

The trio: Fatihah, me, Athira
Location: KLIA
Note: Muka-muka hingus yang sedang menunggu masa nak naik kapal terbang.

Location: UPM - tempat tengok dan study cadaver
Last day practical huhuhu

Location: EGYPT in front of a castle lupa nama tiba2

Assalamualaikum! 2011 is ending. 2012 is starting. So, the question now? "How are you going to spend your new year?" My answer, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm ending 2011 with exams. Plus, spending 1/1/2012 studying for exams because the next day, exam day resumes. Nice. Bak kata Fatihah, "baru terasa macam medical student. Hahahaha...*sigh*" Yup, true confession of a medical student. Looking back at 2011, got my SPM results, spent the BEST, LONGEST holiday ever doing nothing, went to premed and came to EGYPT.

New year resolution?

1. Become more rajin.
2. Improve arabic skills.
3. Be more more more proactive.
5. Be nice to everyone.
6. (please insert other new year resolution here)

Yeah, I can't think of any right now other than stated above. But I know for sure, I have A LOT to change and improve.  For the better wacchaaaaooooo!

So, uhh...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D

Jom sambung belajar. Study study study, exam exam exaaaam. Note this, if you happen to be room mates or living with medical students, do not freak out when they laugh or smile out of nowhere while studying or when they're left alone. They tend to do that. The closest example? Muka-muka di atas.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sbb apa gmbar ak ada gk..??? confiuz ni..blom jd Tan Sri Redz El Dorado da popular dah...haha
