Sunday 6 November 2011

Eid Adha = Raya Haji

Assalamualaikum and good day! Selamat Hari Raya Haji Aidil Adha!!! :) So today my housemates and I spent our morning of Raya Haji at Kak Ain's house. Oh, delicious food yum yum!! Camel's meat I think. DELISH!! But we sort of went there late due to ughh...some serious circumstances bangun lambat. On our way to her open house, you can see people slaughter lambs, sheeps, goats, cows etc. everywhere. (Ok, there's a lot, not everywhere but a lot) The best thing was, they slaughtered a sheep in the building of our apartment at the front door of the lobby (Ingat lobby Hotel ke apa hehe) You can smell the blood all the way from upstairs. It was indeed an awesome experience. When we slid out of the door, we saw people praying on the road. So cool! No wonder they were cleaning the roads in front of our apartment building. I mean, usually it's dirty and nobody cares whether it's dirty or not. After our visit, we decided to pay the ocean a little visit, and so we did. Bought some chocolates and we're ready to go!!! Here's some pictures for your viewing pleasure. Enjoy and have a nice day!

                                                                  People fishing for uhh... fish
 "When you have body builders for friends" Haha left: Athira, right: Fatihah

Me and Fatihah

 Trust me when I say, there's like a bazillion of cats here. Oh and they're all sooo cute and exotic Mraowr!

 Okay, so this cat's not the prettiest or the cutest one out there but I've taken a great liking to it. He looks so gangsta!! And I can always find him lazing at the very same spot every time. So cool like a BOSS!

No people, it's not dead. Most of the cats here like to laze around all day (isn't that what all cats do?)

-END- :)

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