Saturday 5 November 2011

Hey Alex!

Hello people. How are you? I'm still in one piece alhamdulillah :)

Most of my friends and families from Malaysia had been asking me, "So, how's Egypt?" Eheh, my answer? Malaysia's better but hey! Maybe that's just because I'm a Malaysian. Not trying to become a racist or anything but Malaysia's awesome btw haha (baru sedar ke?? <___<) Hehe <3 *sigh* That's besides the point. What I'm trying to tell you guys in this post are the things I HATE about Alexandria. No, I'm not a pessimist but I'd like to start off with the bad things first and maybe in another post, I'll share with you the things I ABSOLUTELY ADORE about this amazing place <3. Mind you, I love Alex!!!

Shall we start?


a)They're nice people but hey they're EXTREME. They fight all the time, it's fun to watch but not when you're in a hurry. Like today, I went out shopping for groceries with my friends and they fought in the middle FREAKING road. Please, save the drama and fight at the side of the road. Ok, maybe that's a stupid request. DON'T FIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE!! I don't even know why they're fighting but I believe that it's over something so small and stupid. Uggh...Their fights are no joke.

b) Patient people? N-O. Well, most of them. They drive like crazeeeeh here. Bet they'll fail their JPJ test right away if they come to Malaysia. The cars keep honking 24/7. That's one, I find them funny at some point. They're not patient people my dear friends, I repeat NOT. They like to start conversations but when your only answer is "mush fahma!" (I don't understand-I think that's how they say it, if it's wrong, well at least they get the point) they get pretty annoyed, pretty quickly. I mean, COME ON! I CAN'T SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGE yet. sheesh. Plus, they talk a lot with really high volume and verryyy tachy (rapid - med term hehe << menggedik)

c) Liars? Also, it depends. You can find liars all over the world but hey I'm going to share about the big fat liars over here. Con-men are commen. They like to lie about the price of things. It's a bonus for them if you're a tourist. AND if you're an innocent 1st year Malaysian student, that's all the better. I'm going to share a tip, if you find a taxi with red dice (snake eyes) and tinted windows, don't get in. He likes to charge extra and always targets Malaysian students. If you don't pay, he'll follow you UNTIL you pay. Creepy eh? That's what I heard from my seniors and luckily, I actually encountered that very taxi on my way to class. Heh, got a pretty good look at it. Creepy taxi looks creepy! Oh yeah, did I tell you about the time I got lied to by another taxi. Oh yes, I'm very much aware that the taxi driver was being weird, he freaking charged us 15 LE when the fare was only supposed to be 5-7 LE. Stupid taxi man. My friends and I paid the fare being the scaredy-cats we are, I mean, HE'S HUGE and Malay girls can't stand to that, we're so small! And so we paid, swearing in Malay depan-depan the guy while forcing a smile. The driver refused to let us go until we pay the fare. He was about to abandon us in the middle of the road. Mind you, he freaking locked the doors! AND so friends, please bargain first before entering a taxi. We did, but he lied and I guess it wasn't just our day. (sigh)

d) GATAL? Y-E-S. Apparently, they like Malaysian girls. It's a dream-come-true to marry an asian. Nuff said.


I WISH! Well, it's not like I like going out at night. I DON'T. Only with my family. It is extremely dangerous to go out at night if you're a girl. For Malaysian students, there's a system called the Musyrif system which is basically where a guy is assigned to accompany you to your destination. Pretty cool but hey sometimes you just hate it. I mean the whole process of calling someone you totally don't know and the whole awkwardness bugs me. Plus, say you have to go buy something, like milk for instance or chocolates <3, how in the world should you tell them? "Hey, can you please accompany me to XXX store. I'd like to buy some chocolates and milk." If I was the musyrif, I'd be pretty annoyed. So, girls,if possible, settle everything you have to do during the day!!  BUT for safety, I'll hold by that system. It's a great thing I'm a girl. Wonder how I'll feel if I become a Musyrif? Hehe. Oh yeah, 't just hits me, you have to be "ikhlas" in helping these girls. No payment whatsoever! But for girls, it is best if you pay for the fare, say the taxi. Just to be fair :) Did I mention that they love stalking girls - pak arabs. That's why there's the Musyrif system in the first place -TO FIGHT AWAY CRIMES, TO PROTECT SO THAT JUSTICE PREVAILS! *coughcough* sorry, got a little carried away. Speaking of musyrifs, there are all kinds. The quiet, protective, nice ones that lead you to your destination QUIETLY (which is NICE - no need to layan them la!), the "jalan cepat" and doesn't care what happens to you, (doesn't turn back to check on us) ones (so bad la to have him, them) and etc. Basically, if you get the 2nd type, just be patient and try to keep up. If you can't, pandai2 tell them!

Oh, and another thing. It's not like I'm totally AGAINST early marriage (18++ yo) ok, maybe. A lot of my seniors are married and are even pregnant and are having babies!! BABIESS!!!! I'm fine with the whole thing, I mean it's your life and they're married so it's their right to have babies!! The thing I can't stand the most is when they ask you "when are you going to get married?" At first, I was like (o___0) "ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS???" And now, I'm still like (o_____0) "AREYOUFREAKINGSERIOUS????!!!!"But hey, that's just me. I'd like to stay single longer thank you.

3) FOOD: You have to look for really hygenic restaurants. If not, you'll just end up having a bad diarrhea. Another thing, makanan dia tak pedaaasss mana. Sos cili pedas...oh so rare!

 There's plenty more stuff I'd like to share but eheh can't think of any rite now!! Ciao people! Have a nice day~

P/S: Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha!

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