Sunday 20 November 2011

shiver shiver

Assalamualaikum! How are you? I'm supeeeer cold. A lot's happening over here! The wind's howling, people are getting anxious, and I'm keeping my guard up. Yup, something big is brewing. Even though I didn't witness it myself, the demonstration really did happened. PLUS, it happened near my house. Haha macam mana boleh tak sedar? =___= So, back from class today, from Fathala (super market), super tired. Whew! Umi and I went to Fathala after class and from my observation, people are stocking up FOOD. They are buying trolleys of food. I mean, there's this one Arab who bought like TEN FROZEN CHICKENS! The food vendors are selling food like hot cakes.Wait, bukan hot cakes tu makanan ke? Hehe Some of them are even almost out of stock. That's new. Ah yes, shops are closing, probably due to this. Conclusion, I'm hungry bhahaha 0____0 Sedar tak sedar, kami pun stock la sekali. Ahh, enough about food, let's talk about the demonstration! At Mwassa, Professors and Doctors are talking about it, during our practical class. It's a HOT topic right now. Pfft, of course it is. Of course, among themselves. While we're busy playing doing experiments, they gathered in front of the door. They were talking in Arabic so I couldn't understand fully but yeah I HEARD the name of places,most probably the ones that are affected. Plus, before the lecture started, the assistants gathered in front of the computer and searched the News. Yes, news about the demonstration. Of course we saw what they're doing, there's a freaking projector! One other latest news, Fatihah told me that someone died in El-Shatby. He was killed. 0___0 (double shiver) El-Shatby's like a few stations away from my place. Pray for our safety :)

(picture taken while having my lunch haha jakun)
                       SNOW! Haha yeah right. It sure is cold here but there's no snow. That's salt. Yes, I touched it, salt dissolves LIKE A BOSS. I mean, Alex is near the sea anyway.

        PROTEIN EXPERIMENTS. Cool, I even burned myself haha. Jangan tiru aksi ini. But one thing, peptone WHY YOU SMELL SO BAD! Ada lalat hinggap pulak tu. Bau macam air liur basi yang dah basi.
(View from the lab)

Train tracks. Awesome. The yellow/ orange thing back there is the train. So, here's where the train sounds are coming from during lecture. O___O

That's all, ciao! Have a nice day :D

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